Recent Musings

Get Off The Thought Train
Hannah Alderete Hannah Alderete

Get Off The Thought Train

Mindfulness has proven to be a valuable tool for individuals struggling with anxiety and depression. By incorporating mindfulness into your life, you can create mental space and break free from the grip of overwhelming thoughts. Imagine your mind as a house with various rooms. Mindfulness invites you to step out of the "kitchen" of anxious thoughts and redirect your attention to the "living room" of the present moment. It teaches you to observe your thoughts like passing clouds, without analyzing or getting entangled in them. Through meditation practices, such as those offered by apps like Headspace and Insight Timer, you can cultivate the ability to watch your thoughts without judgment and gently detach yourself from the stream of thinking. Embrace mindfulness as a transformative practice that empowers you to navigate your mind with greater ease and find peace in the present.

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One Overlooked Reason You Might Be Depressed
Hannah Alderete Hannah Alderete

One Overlooked Reason You Might Be Depressed

Depression can be a complex condition influenced by various factors, including suppressed anger. Many individuals with depression have learned to bury their anger, believing it to be a negative and dangerous emotion. However, the truth is that anger serves a purpose in our lives, alerting us when boundaries have been crossed or injustices have occurred. By suppressing anger, we unintentionally turn it inward, leading to self-punishment and a vicious cycle of depression. Understanding the relationship between anger and depression is crucial for reclaiming emotional well-being. By learning to express anger assertively, setting boundaries, and channeling it constructively, we can transform our sense of empowerment and foster positive change in our lives.

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